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day 3 banana girl diet

While it is true that you are what you eat, then this girl is definitely a banana!
And on the basis of their diet, it looks like she may have gone bananas! banana girl diet , known as banana girl diet is a raw vegan who eats only fruits and vegetables! And many of them!
According to her, she can eat up to 51 bananas a day!
Uh ... that seems excessive, but good.

Guru Australian cuisine is called a banana girl diet and says that eating this way is that it has to strike undeniably bod! All I had to do was peel his way to 40 pounds of loss weight!
But is this kind of habit of eating healthy for you?!?

Banana girl diet a day in his life, saying that the day usually starts with something she calls Banana girl diet - up to 30 dates mixed with water and a little cinnamon.
After lunch, it will have 8-10 handles or maybe even three whole pineapple!
And for dinner, baby green salad 5 chopped bananas, five dates, and a banana and liquefied Date dressing on top.

Yes, we are not good!
But the results speak for themselves Freelee. She said her fair skin, where once you had severe acne problems. Also claims that his vastly improved digestion and elimination.
We just thought it would be a system of more than 50 bananas, banana girl diet
Ch-ch-check out the Banana Girl answer some of your questions from fans (below)!

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