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step to tuna diet

Calories and weight loss
Twelve pieces of pineapple Tuna diet cups and four ounces of tuna in water containing a total of 1088 calories. Although it is low in calories, this diet Tuna diet results in three days by reducing calories. If the daily intake of 500 calories is reduced if about 1 pound a week is not lost,

 reports the University Tuna diet of Michigan. If the pineapple and tuna diet means that you eat 500 or 1000 calories less each day, but it will take more than three days to see results. If you lose weight in three days, only lost water weight. Tuna diet Pineapple can increase the loss of water because they are natural diuretics.

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Many nutrients
Twelve cups pineapple provided Tuna diet 260 grams of carbohydrates, including 195 grams of sugar, food. Thon ensures that you get about 60 percent of your daily protein and all of your daily vitamin B-12 requirement.

Since you eat so much, pineapple becomes a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin A, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium. With 28 grams of fiber in 12 cups of pineapple, women get fiber per day, while men consume 74 percent of your daily intake. If it's more fiber than you are used to eating, can cause gas or diarrhea. With this amount of fiber is also important to drink 6-8 glasses of water, according to Oklahoma State University

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